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Carnation Bouquet

Bouquet of Carnations Flower

Carnation Bouquet has been the perfect gift for moms especially in occasions like mother’s day and mother’s birthday. It symbolizes love captivation and distinction. Send your love ones a bouquet of carnations to make them feel the love you have for them. We are an online flower shop in Makati, Manila and Quezon City.

Carnation Bouquet
Adelaide - Carnations Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



10 pieces Ye..

Adele - Mixed Flower Bouquet by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



8 Pink Carna..

online flower delivery - Carnation Cascade

Carnation Cascade


A six pieces..

Crystal Cascade - A bouquet of light blue ecuadorian roses by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Crystal Cascade


A bouquet of..

Euphoria  - A bouquet of 6 pieces red carnations and gypsophilia by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



A bouquet of..

Ingrid - Mixed Flower Bouquet by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



Classic Red ..

Leona  - Mixed Flower Bouquet by LaRosa Flowershop



Baby Blue Mi..

Livia - A mixed flower bouquet arrangement by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



A mixed flow..

Mei Ying - A mixed flower arrangement bouquet by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City

Mei Ying


A mixed flow..

Savannah - Mixed Color Carnation Bouquet by LaRosa Flowershop



A dozen o..

mixed pink flowers bouquet



A combinatio..

Eudora - Carnations Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City


₱5,000.00 ₱7,000.00

Fancy White ..

Ariane - Carnations Red - Carnations Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City



Elegant Gold..

Bernadette - Carnations Delivery by LaRosa Flower Shop Quezon City


₱3,800.00 ₱4,500.00

Sky Blue Bou..

Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)